Find Staff
Find Employees Ready to Work. If you’re looking to hire in Mackenzie or surrounding areas, WorkBC can connect you with your next great hire, at no cost to you.
Access to job-ready, qualified applicants
We work with motivated job seekers to help them find jobs that are well suited to their skills and strengths. Our job seekers are prepared for the job market and offer a variety of experience across industries and career stages; if you have hiring needs get in touch with our team.
Job Postings
Reach a captive audience with your job postings! To have your job posted to our in-centre job boards and our WorkBC Mackenzie Facebook page, send us an email with your job posting. Also be sure to submit your openings to WorkBC’s online job board, most comprehensive job postings website. Create a free account to post jobs at no cost, you’ll also receive automatic postings to the National Job Bank. Create your account and post jobs today.
Hiring Fairs & Recruitment Events
We love to help organize, promote and host hiring fairs and recruitment events. We provide space and our services free of charge for individual hiring events hosted within our centres. We’re also happy to share information about hiring or recruitment events you may be hosting at your workplace; please contact us to discuss how we can help you with your hiring events.
Save Time and Money
Work with our experts to learn about hiring incentives and how you may benefit from the employment wage subsidy program.